White Papers

MannaQure’s goals
Communication-Cognition Evaluation Data Set; page 35. The data collected was used to generate a raw score mean for the Communication-Cognition Evaluation subtest and was converted to a standard score of 100, standard deviation of 15, with a respective 50th percentile for the clinical sample of 85 participants and non-clinical normative sample of 60 participants.
MannaQure’s goals
Oral-Mechanism Function Evaluation Data Set; page 40. The data collected was used to generate a raw score mean for the Oral-Mechanism Function Evaluation subtest and was converted to a standard score of 100, standard deviation of 15, with a respective 50th percentile for the clinical sample of 85 participants and non-clinical normative sample of 60 participants.
MannaQure’s goals
Bedside Evaluation Data Set; page 45. The data collected was used to generate a raw score mean for the Bedside Evaluation subtest and was converted to a standard score of 100, standard deviation of 15, with a respective 50th percentile for the clinical sample of 85 participants and non-clinical normative sample of 60 participants.
MannaQure’s goals
Total Dysphagia/Dysarthria Degree of Severity Data Set; page 50. The data collected was used to generate a raw score mean for all three of the subtests and was converted to a standard score of 100, standard deviation of 15, with a respective 50th percentile for the clinical sample of 85 participants and non-clinical normative sample of 60 participants.
MannaQure’s goals
Graph Plots; page 31-34 The data sets for the Communication-Cognition, Oral-Mechanism Function Evaluation, Bedside Evaluation subtests and the Total Dysphagia/Dysarthria Degree of Severity is visually depicted on each of the respective graph plots. The clinical sample and non-clinical normative sample results are differentiated according to color.
MannaQure’s goals
Table 1 Clinical Sample; page 57. The demographic and diagnostic data for each of the 85 patients between the ages of 21 and 99 years who were assigned a neurological and/or respiratory diagnosis whose countries of origin included the United States and Mexico is reflected in Table 1. Onset dates of signs and symptoms of dysphagia warranting a physician’s order for an examination to be completed by a licensed SLP ranged from April 2013 through March 2014.
MannaQure’s goals
Table 2 Non-Clinical Normative Sample; page 57. The demographic and diagnostic data for each of the 60 patients between the ages of 23 to 85 years of age whose countries of origin included the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Honduras and Guatemala is reflected in Table 2. Each individual consumed regular textures/thin liquids and did not complain of swallowing deficits. Non-Clinical sample participants self-reported the following diagnostic characteristics: Upper Respiratory Infection, Pituitary Neoplasm and Vascular Dementia.
MannaQure’s goals
Table 3 Intra-rater Reliability; page 58 The data utilized to conclude that the MannaQure Dysphagia and Dysarthria Battery was found to have a 95 percent degree of intra-rater reliability agreement as evidenced by multiple repetitions of the test administered by a single-rater.
MannaQure’s goals
Table 4 Inter-rater Reliability; page 58 The evidence utilized to determine inter-rater reliability among examiners was found to be effective given the common set of rules for scoring and administration by three different clinicians to three of the same patients is illustrated in Table 4. Patient 1 was assessed with an average overall Total Dysphagia/Dysarthria Severity Level of 81.8 with a range of 77.5-85 by three clinicians. Patient 2 averaged an overall severity level of 83 with a range of 78-87.5. Patient 3 was assigned an average overall severity of 83.6 by the three clinicians with a range of 77-91.5.
MannaQure’s goals
Table 5 Internal Consistency Reliability; page 59. The data utilized to arrive at the Cronbach’s alpha used to determine a strong internal consistency reliability for each subsets within the Oral-Mechanism Functional Evaluation and Bedside Evaluation subtests is contained in Table 5. The data demonstrates that the different test items intended to measure disorders characteristic of dysphagia and dysarthria within these two subtests consistently assesses those constructs. The MannaQure is deemed suitable for the task using this type of assessment given the reliability producing similar results under consistent conditions within these subtests across three different clinicians.
MannaQure’s goals
Table 6 Test-retest Reliability; page 63. The data in Table 6 demonstrate the test-retest reliability of the MannaQure Assessment was found to be effective when administered to three of the same individual patients over time. The test-retest depicts the correlation between the first set of scores and the second set of scores obtained following presentations of the battery to three different patients with intervals of ten therapy treatments between administrations. A description of each of the subjects and their respective sets of scores is discussed on page 64.
MannaQure’s goals
English Clinical Sample; The demographic and diagnostic data for each of the 50 patients between the ages of 34 and 101 years who were assigned a neurological and/or respiratory diagnosis whose countries of origin included the United States. Onset dates of signs and symptoms of dysphagia warranting a physician’s order for an examination to be completed by a licensed SLP ranged from 5/5/15 through 7/7/15.
MannaQure’s goals
English Non-Clinical Normative Sample; The demographic and diagnostic data for each of the 35 patients between the ages of 21 to 93 years of age whose countries of origin included the United States. Each individual consumed regular textures/thin liquids and did not complain of swallowing deficits. Non-Clinical sample participants self-reported the following diagnostic characteristics: Bronchitis, Late Effects of Cerebrovascular Accident, Cerebral Ischemia, Myocardial Infarct, Motor Vehicle Accident, Lung Disease and Dementia.

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