
MannaQure Product Development

By Mannaqure on May 22, 2014


The MannaQure Comprehensive English to Spanish Assessment of Dysphagia and Dysarthria was found to be reliable and valid as evidenced by the data collected from October 2013 through February 2014 via 145 clinical and non-clinical subjects. It is expected that this tool will be well received by the SLP in your community and therefore successful in the identification and treatment of patients currently not being served. Further, the examiners participating in the research agreed that the method of scoring the MannaQure accurately depicted the level of the patient's deficits and that the scoring was intuitive and made sense in a manner they were able to measure over time. Additionally, 50% of the clinicians provided feedback and 100% of them agreed or strongly agreed that the tool was effective in the identification of their patient's deficits. Click to read more at

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